Ms photo, Vision from female photographers, Issue 1, 2018

Collaboration with publication of photographic works.
Pages 6 – 13

Language: English, Chinese
Publisher: Ms Photo Publishing Limited
Editorial: Rachel Mok (蓂翜儀), Queenie Ho (何欣宜), Lam Ka Wai (林嘉蕙), Ryann Zhao (趙雅蒂), Meilin Xin (⾟玫霖), Leung Yiu Hong (粱耀康).
Marketing & advertising: Keira Huang (蕢晰⽂), Leslie Jiang (姜海).
Art & Design: Irene Choy (蔡怡雅), Bo Bo Lee (李寶欣), Elvis Lau (劉偉銓).
Printing: Asia One Printing Ltd

ISBN 978-988

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