Wine. Beyond objects, edited by Luca Panaro

Bottega immagine, Milan.

April 8, 2019 – April 18, 2019

The exhibition was staged in Milan, April 8-18, 2019 during the Salone del Mobile, at Bottega Immagine (Via Farini, 60, Milan).
Five scholarships worth 1,000 euros each were presented by the Zenato family to the young photographers authors of the project “Wine. Beyond Objects,” Giacomo Alberico, Cecilia Del Gatto, Alessandra Draghi, Cesare Lopopolo and Anna Vezzosi (photo 2 Nadoia and Carla Zenato award the students), carried out in collaboration with the Master of Photography of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.
The intimate connection between wine-making tradition and experimentation has found its realization in the sign of art in the photo exhibition “Wine. Beyond Objects,” in which the tools used in wine production are decontextualized. Images that do not document, they evoke. Shots that seek to go beyond the objects they portray. The land of Lugana and Valpolicella, the vine, wooden barrels, glass containers, tools and machines become, through the photographic imagery and free reading of the five young creatives, something “beyond” their primary function.
The exhibition, staged at Bottega Immagineis open until April 18, 2019 (hours 4:30-7:30 p.m.) and is accompanied by a catalog, in Italian and English, from Biblos Edizioni.
“It was very stimulating to see young creatives at work who with a new and free gaze focused on a meaning that goes beyond the specific meaning of the objects that are the protagonists of our daily work,” Nadia Zenato said during the award ceremony. “This is a new project, a new challenge, the desire that has always distinguished us in looking beyond, in exploring beyond what we already know. Our passion has always led us to intertwine the work of winemakers with respect for the land and a natural drive toward beauty and art, which is now expressed in the photo exhibition Vino. Beyond Objects.”
Surprise guest, chef Gianfranco Vissani , who “groomed” the young people to commit themselves with passion and determination.
“Photography, more than any other language, has the ability to transfigure reality,” explains Luca Panaro, curator of the project. “This means that the objects represented in photographic images are interpreted in a way other than their traditional function. I chose to investigate objects as a source of knowledge, silent exemplars of wine production, necessary to attest its technique, culture, economy, but also a simple suggestion.”

Wine. Beyond Objects is the first in a series of four “experiences” that will involve as many International Schools of Photography in Europe, the United States and Asia and coincides with the creation of the Zenato Academy, a permanent laboratory for study and experimentation in the field of culture and particularly in photography, an ideal place in which to support young artists.
The choices made by each of the 5 authors led to the shooting of close-up forms that tend toward representative abstraction. Giacomo Alberico’s photographs, entitled “Se nell’attesa,” show the barrels kept in the Zenato cellars, photographed in a way that enhances their aesthetic component and the physical relationships established between these large and noble containers.
For Cecilia Del Gatto, in the series “Méscita,” the glass and the different chromatic gradations of wine become protagonists, creating a parallelism with the colors of the Italian artistic tradition. Alessandra Draghi brings to our attention an object of the trade, the alzavino, also known as the “Thief,” juxtaposed in a photographic set with natural elements taken from the territory. “Le cose sensibili” by Cesare Lopopolo, on the other hand, are mechanical tools, an imposing presence that characterizes the landscape of the winery. Finally, Anna Vezzosi with her series “Points of Origin” takes us back to tradition: the land, one of the first bottles of Lugana from 1973, a white circle indicating the roots of the native vine.

Photo Exhibition “Wine. Beyond Objects” April 8-18, 2019 Bottega Immagine
Hours: Monday-Sunday 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Free admission
Guided tours with the authors of the works

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